Give fuel to generosity in you to be part of history: Keith Ferrazzi

Keith Ferrazzi insists on shedding old new belief that is the main havoc in achieving professional success and understanding in our personal relations. This old belief i.e. people are too damn busy and can’t listen to our suggestions and expressions build more walls mutually. You have to create an environment around yourself that invites people and you build generous relations with them. You have to stick to these two basic principles: when people are critical, go to help them. It is not an insult to your self-respect but an initiate to new beginning.

He further explains that there is no space for hatred and jealousy in the road of success. You may disagree with your peers, business partners and life partner but counting their bad traits means adding more negative thoughts in your mind. You can’t ruin your life on your judgement for others. Those who do harm to you, make a distance with them and utilize your energy and information in laying out new plans. Every individual has reptilian part in his/her brain that give fuel to fight-or-flight mechanism. Just control it by reading good books or doing any physical activity daily. Keith Ferrazzi, say; this will turn your rest time into your valuable place in the history of business tycoons.

Published by nalspeakers

Nicole Anderson Legacy (NAL) Speakers is a contemporary agency connecting respected thought leaders, innovative thinkers, and connectors for learning businesses to audiences around the world through virtual or face-to-face keynotes, workshops, and summits.

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