Forget utility in your hard discussions: Susan Scott speaking

The basic nature of human mind is same and image gurus has named their evolvement, a sophistication. Susan Scott speaking shares simple examples that we experience in our family gatherings or havoc in the completion of some urgent work. Her way to show the movement of bubbles from the bottom of the glass to the upper portion make us motivated that determination and hard-work carry a lot of possibilities and it is our blunder mistake to keep on focusing problems and distractions rather than progressing our journey to solution mode.

She further explains that there is no room for arrogance and dominance in our personal relations because that trait builds more gap rather than reaching to any agreement. Susan says that success means breaking boundary of comfort zone. You may come across many situations where new ideas appeal like old school of thought school but taking a gap from your laptop and mobile gives you real picture of that idea as well as its aftermaths. Susan Scott speaking make us revealed that utility never works in attending hard conversations, sharing practical information.

Published by nalspeakers

Nicole Anderson Legacy (NAL) Speakers is a contemporary agency connecting respected thought leaders, innovative thinkers, and connectors for learning businesses to audiences around the world through virtual or face-to-face keynotes, workshops, and summits.

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